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Apr 23, 2024

Strategic Healthcare Leadership Program

Gain the hands-on skills and leadership knowledge required to solve unique health care challenges.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School has partnered with Emeritus to offer Strategic Healthcare Leadership Program. The four-month Executive Education program is completed fully online, with three to five hours of work per week.

The cutting-edge curriculum combines evidence-based frameworks with an application-based approach. Through a hands-on learning approach, participants will partake in discussions and feedback from industry experts, explore techniques for improving equity and accessibility within health care, and harness the power of artificial intelligence in health systems.

SHLP is designed for experienced health care professionals who are stepping into leadership roles and looking to advance their knowledge and skills to successfully lead health organizations.

As a medical researcher in a leadership role working closely with clinicians, I wanted to learn more about the business side of health care with the overall aim to utilize this new knowledge to improve the design of the research studies that I lead, contribute to, or mentor. I can leverage the skills and knowledge learned in the program to strategically design research studies that are–from conception–informed by key business-specific drivers in the health care space.

Dr. Vera Ignjatovic, Associate Director for Translational Research at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Professor (PAR), Department of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

  • Peer networking: Network with your peers from around the globe, gain insights from expert faculty members, and form connections you can utilize for years to come.
  • Capstone project: Complete the program with a three-phase capstone project that puts theory into practice and drives impact immediately back to your organization.
  • CME credits: This program has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ and ANCC, ACPE, AAPA, and APA credits.
  • Self-paced recorded sessions: Our program sessions are self-paced, allowing you to continue to engage in personal and professional commitments without interruptions.

  • Healthcare Leadership: Identify sources of influence for managing teams and apply the negotiation framework to arrive at the desired result.
  • Talent Management: Explore strategies and motivational tools for building diverse teams and fostering a culture of adaptability with a focus on mental well-being within the organization.
  • Healthcare Operations: Understand various aspects of health care operations from identifying bottleneck processes and lean principles to budgeting and financial analysis.
  • Strategic Management: Recognize the science behind implementing new strategies in health care and apply behavioral economic approaches to understand, predict, and influence behavior.
  • Healthcare Innovations and Emerging Topics: Analyze the implications of AI in different domains of health care, and practice techniques for improving equity and accessibility within the industry.

My current role requires a level of sophistication in leadership, strategy, and operations that goes far beyond what is expected of me as a physician in clinical practice or even as a medical director. More than just skills and knowledge, this course helped me develop the mindset and the attitude necessary to be an effective executive physician and leader.

Enitza George, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at Southcoast Health Network

If you’re interested in learning more about Johns Hopkins Executive Education, reach out to us at

Upcoming Carey application deadlines

Applications for all Fall 2025 programs are open. Please visit our upcoming deadlines webpage to view all application, decision, and deposit deadlines.